Ashley Dunn-Bratcher with her dad Tommy - XPUSJP

17 February 2016 - Los Angeles - USA **** STRICTLY NOT AVAILABLE FOR USA *** Obese Ashley Dunn-Bratcher vows to lose weight after five year-old son does all the household chores in TLC's My 600lb Life. Ashley, 27, from Kerens, Texas, broke down in tears as she revealed how son Patrick, just five, does all the housework, washing and even cooks her meals because she can hardly move because of her weight. Ashley was only able to stand for five minutes at a time after weighing in at 725lbs (51.7 stone) and was scared her huge stomach would break her back. She piled on the weight at the age of 6 after her babysitter's husband began molesting her. She kept quiet to protect her young sister and brother - and because her mother was a drug addict who was never around. At the age of 8, Ashley went to live with her father and had a much happier childhood but still soght comfort from food as a way to deal what had happened to her. She weight 400lbs (28.5 stone) and just continued to get large. She finally consulted Dr Younan Nowzaradan who told her if she lost 50lbs in a month she could have weight loss surgery. Ashley lost 58lbs and underwent the surgery. But month seven she was down to 578lbs (41.2 stone). But she began taking too much pain medication and ended up wtih a perforated ulcer and had to be rushed back into hospital for emergency surgery. But Ashley was soon back on track at after 12 months had lost a staggering 255lbs (18.2 stone) and was down to 470lbs (33.5 stone) and was doing all the housework could finally go fishing with son Patrick . XPOSURE PHOTOS DOES NOT CLAIM ANY COPYRIGHT OR LICENSE IN THE ATTACHED MATERIAL. ANY DOWNLOADING FEES CHARGED BY XPOSURE ARE FOR XPOSURE'S SERVICES ONLY, AND DO NOT, NOR ARE THEY INTENDED TO, CONVEY TO THE USER ANY COPYRIGHT OR LICENSE IN THE MATERIAL. BY PUBLISHING THIS MATERIAL , THE USER EXPRESSLY AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND TO HOLD XPOSURE HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIMS, DEMANDS, OR CAUSES OF ACTION ARISING OUT OF OR CONNECTED IN