Activist / Protest / Riot / Strikes

Aug. 08, 1963 - Angry mothers put up barricade and hold up work on a mulch-million pound roadworks in Yorkshire : Angry-mothers on a council estate put up a dustbin barricade and held up work on a muting - million pound roadworks on the a.1. at ferry-bridge, Yorkshire. They halted lorries taking dirt from the site t a nearby tip and threatened to bring the wheel project to a standstill unless the drivers slowed down. As the lorries scratched to a halt before the barricades ion England lane, knottinhlay, the housewives ran to the cabs and warned the driver to slows down or be stopped altogether, Sadie a mother of three, Mrs. Margaret cares ''Since this work began our road has become something like a scene from hall drivers. we are terrified for the lives of our children. The road is very narrow and the lorries charge up on to the pavements to pass each other. We have appealed to the council and the police, but it hasn't done any good. new we are taking drastic measures .''The women dragged dustbins and old washers out into the road and with their children in their arms sat astride the, .The mother appealed to the drives to slow down but they replied that hey were on bonus. photo shows The housewives sit astride thee dustbins and old washer and barricade the road in England lane. Knottinley, Yorkshire, as a Larry approaches. (Credit Image: © Keystone Pictures USA/