Orig. bildtext... FARMER JOMO'S PLEDGE. The Prime Minister of Kenya, Mr. Jomo Kenyatta, addressed 500 European farmers and their families at Nakuru recently and within minutes of starting his speech had completely won them over. The applauded the farming Premier and laughed with him as he introduced his own folksy parallels to their difficulties. Repeatedly he gave assurance to the farmers. We want you to stay and to farm well in this country, that is the policy of this Governement, he declared. After the speech several farmers said After that - it's a deal. We are going to stay. Mr. Kenyatta'a words were drowned by applause on several occasions as, point by point, he dispelled the farmers' fears and suspicions. On the opportunities for employment for their children in an independent Kenya, Mr. Kenyatta said all Kenyans would be treated alike. Photo shows. Mr Kenyatta pictured with a group of settlers. Anm. J Kenyatta, 1891-1978, kenyansk frihetskämpe och politiker, premiärminister 1963-1964, president från 1964. Ledare för Mau-Mau-rörelsen. På 1950-talet började en gerillarörelse växa fram i den brittiska kolonin Kenya. Britterna införde undantagstillstånd 1952 och under några år framåt fördes ett krig mellan kolonialmakten och Mau-mau-rörelsen. Under upproret fängslades Kenyatta och all politisk aktivitet förbjöds fram till 1955. Undantagstillståndet upphörde i januari 1960. 12 december 1963 blev Kenya självständigt. Gruppfotografi Jämförelser CD85 persons: Jomo Kenyatta sites: AFRIKA ;KENYA