United Kingdom / Ireland

Sep. 09, 1955 - SIX MORE ''COMMUNITY RELATIONS OFFICERS'' SELECTED FOR AMERICAN AIR BASES IN BRITAIN. The names of a further six ''Community Relations Officers'' of the R.A.F. were announced today.. The six young ladies will act as ''information girls'' at various American Air Bases in Britain to keep up and improve relationships between the American personnel and British civilians.. Keystone Photo Shows:- The young ladies at Adastral House this morning - they are seen Front to Back: Josephine Dixon (24) (Ross-on-Sea, Wales); Margaret Barclay (25) of Bromley , Kent, Margaret Jarvie (Dorchester, Dorset) who is 26, Shiela Moffat (21) of Liverpool; Ann Miskin (28) of London; and Heather Kerr (London) (26) (Credit Image: © Keystone Pictures USA/ZUMAPRESS.com)