Lepakshi, Nandi-Statue / Foto - Lepakshi, Nandi Statue / Photo -

5IN-L9-E1-1994-2 (1349633) Lepakshi, Nandi-Statue / Foto Lepakshi (Andhra Pradesh, Indien), Kolossalstatue des Nandi (Nandi-Stier, in der hinduistischen Mythologie Reittier des Shiva. Monolithische Skulptur, aus dem anstehenden Fels gehauen; Höhe 4,5 m, Länge 8,23 m). - Ansicht. - / Foto, Februar 1994. E: Lepakshi, Nandi Statue / Photo Lepakshi (Andhra Pradesh, India), colossal statue of Nandi (Nandi bull, in Hindu mythology vahana (vehicle) of Lord Shiva. Monolithic sculpture, carved in granite; height 4.5m, length 8.23m). - View. - Photo, February 1994.