1.Jahrestag Volksrep.China, 1.Okt. 1950 - 1st Anniversary of the PRC, 1st Oct.1950 -

9CH-1950-10-1-A1-1 (86767) 1.Jahrestag Volksrep.China, 1.Okt. 1950 Feiern zum 1. Jahrestag der Ausrufung der Volksrepublik China durch Mao Tse- tung, 1. Oktober 1950. - Parade der Streitkräfte in Peking. - Foto. E: 1st Anniversary of the PRC, 1st Oct.1950 Celebrations of the first anniversary o the proclamation of the People's Republic of China by Mao Tse-tung, 1st October 1950. - Military parade in Beijing. - Photo