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Nov. 17, 1962 - ''Copter Crash Survivor Re-United With His Wife; Labour MP John Cronin, one of the survivors of the helicopter crash in which Lord Windlesham is believed to have been killed, was reunited with his wife tonight at Paddington Station. Mr. Cronin and two members of the 'copter's crew were picked up by another whirlybird after the crash. A search for Lord Windlesham met witn no success. The crash happened over the seas near the Royal Naval Station, Brawdy, near Haverford West, Pembrokeshire. The men were being flown out to the aircraft carrier Hermes now on exercise when the engine developed a fault and the 'copter crashed into the sea. Photo Shows Mr. Cronin and his wife at the station tonight. (Credit Image: © Keystone Pictures USA/